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Wednesday 30 March 2011

One direction to the truth

One direction are a band off 5 guys. They became famous because the auditioned for the X factor in 2008.

There is lots more info in there normal page but right now I will tell you the truth.

One direction are spoilt guys who do not have a taste in music and will last 1 to 2 year max!


  1. 1. They auditioned in 2010
    2. They do have good taste in music, and are going to go far. So I'll be looking forward to what you have to say when they are one of the biggest boybands.
    3. They aren't spoilt, they were showing the world what they are capable of.

  2. you guys are amazing.. your voices, your looks everything i cant wait to hear more from you(:

  3. Do I smell jealousy? Yeah, they're great.
    Why are you spoilt, when you're just want to share your music with others?

    Love them!

  4. If you want even more about One Direction, go to this website, follow, then subscribe...
    Thanks, love you guys.
